Your Team
As a Trade Partner Exchange Member (TradeX) member, you have unlimited access to our team! Our goal is to personally know your business and your current needs in order to help you maximize trade, refer you new business, preserve more cash, and help you grow!
Nathan Park
Nathan is a 29-year businessman in the Birmingham community with vast experience in sales, management, and entrepreneurship. His career has been centered around helping the local, small business owner prosper. When introduced to the concept of business to business trade, he knew there was great potential for the business community if done well. He (along with a partner) started TradeX in 2011. “I am strongly committed to governing our barter exchange with integrity. I will continually seek out new ways to strengthen our organization and trade economy while enhancing the value of our member-owners’ trade dollars.”
Nathan is married to Dee and they have four children ranging from 22 – 15. He loves being outdoors and playing the guitar.
Dee Park
Dee is a graduate of Samford University with a degree in Mass Communications. Most of her career has been spent in marketing and public relations, as well as various forms of writing. Dee has a unique gift of seeing what needs to be done in the area of promoting a company. “I enjoy figuring out ways to help our exchange grow through social media, marketing & communications.”
She is married to Nathan and enjoys spending time with her family.