Cardinal Roofing offers homeowners amazing customer care and craftsmanship when it comes to all their roofing needs. As a Roofing Contractor, located in Pelham, AL. We service all over the Birmingham area, including Alabaster, Chelsea, Hoover, Helena, Homewood, Pelham of course and expanding to meet our customer’s requests. We travel all over the state and outside the state to assist customers that have incurred severe weather damages from hail or the wind for instance.
New Roof For The Price Of Your Insurance Deductible!
Most people have no idea that their homeowner’s insurance policy may pay for their roof to be replaced. That’s right! If your roof or shingles have been damaged by wind or hail, the cost of a new roof might only be the cost of your deductible. Our expert technicians deal with situations like this every single day. Unsure whether this applies to you? Pick up the phone. Find out!
Does Your Roof Have Wind Or Hail Damage?
If so, call Cardinal Roofing for a free, no-obligation roof inspection. Your new roof might be a phone call away! Best of all, a Cardinal Roofing professional will walk you through the entire process, from roof inspection to the fine print of your insurance policy, to dealing with your insurance adjuster, to project managing the installation of your brand new roof.
Cardinal Roofing – 25+ Years Experience
- Commercial + Residential roofing contractor
- Family owned business since 1999
- Free, no obligation roof inspections
- Fully licensed and insured
Benefits Of A New Roof
- Lower energy costs
- Higher home value
- Increased safety
Jody Rogers
Roofing, Remodeling & Restoration
We are here
608 University Blvd
Birmingham, AL 35233
(o) 205-441-6552
(c) 205-377-8400 Ext 2
(f) 205-377-8401
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